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Hello there, this is Katana, also known as Kat in some circles. I'm your friendly neighborhood twenty-two-year-old illustrator/writer whose sarcasm is second to none and harboring the ability to verbalize the parentheses in stories. I drink coffee and draw like an addict and am liable to get you into things that I like. Currently the wielder of a BFA in Illustration and a minor in English.

Questions? Comments? Death threats? Feel free to PM or message me in some iteration. I'm always around, you just don't know it.

"Some of the great artists of our time started off by doodling in class. ...Maybe. Oh heck I dunno."
- Miss Anonymous

The URL Cache Game

I did this a while ago - in your URL box, type in each letter of the alphabet and see what you get. Back then, however, it was all based on the actual URL. Nowadays, because Firefox can BLOW MY MIND, the URL box remembers the titles of pages. Therefore, this becomes a whole lot more interesting.

Ten-minutes game to amuse yourself and/or your watchers. Type in a letter, take the first link that matches closest to the letter (IE, X might be a tricky letter to find a page that begins with that). Link if necessary.

Yes, I am bored.

So here's what I got...

A - Alone in the Dark Review
B - Blackboard Academic Suite (for college)
C - Chat
D -
E - Eyeroll icon
F - Facebook
G - Google Video
I - IPTV Portral (campus-provided internet TV)
J - Journal of a Female Fanboy
K - Katana -
L - Lightning Rod of Hate
M - MegaTokyo
N - Nostalgia Critic
O - Oh My, Plotholes
P - The Posse (LiveJournal friends page)
Q - Quantum Hub, TimeChaser's (*brick'd*)
R - redjacketalchemis -
S - The Spoony Experiment
T - Twitter
U - YouTube (closest I could get)
V - VG Cats
W - The Watercooler
X - stock.xchng (again, closest I could get)
Y - YouTube
Z - Amazon (specifically, this page, again, CIGC

The 3D Box Adventure

This post is going to be updated frequently (who knows how many that is) throughout the evening. My advanced apologies.

Anyways...I have a project to do for 3D, in addition to my plaster sculpture, that involves taking a box and's explained in the video.

...WHY YES! I'm doing a video log of this project. xD LOTS of my own commentary and musings rather than actual project progress.

Edit: Part 2, which is mostly me with rambly commentary and complaining about Trip being talented. *brick'd*

Edit 2: Part 3. Kinda short. Um...yeah.

Edit 3: And part 4. I should get to working on this soon. *smacked*

Say it with me

Crappy photo is due to the fact that I currently cannot locate Kamina, and knowing me it's probably in a really obvious spot. laptop bag. Or it got eaten by the comforter again.


So say it with me, if you'll please: omgyaaaay.

ALSO HEY KIDS! Wayboy informed me that BBC America is showing Partners in Crime and Fires of Pompeii tonight at 7 and 8 (CST), so why don't we try and get together in Chat if you want? Fun times?

And uhhhh...


Ohh...last night, I had the urge to look up train routes and stuff. I have the urge to travel somewhere this summer, and I thought it'd be interesting to go by train. Since I was talking to Missay, I decided to look up routes out to Washington. You know, for kicks.

At first, I thought the fare was $150. Hey, that's not bad. Then I decided to click the option for "one way" and noticed the prices didn't change. That's when I realized that no, it's not that price round-trip, meaning that in the end, it's actually cheaper to fly out there. And I was bummed. (In retrospect, it makes sense as to why it costs what it does, but STILL I was depressed. It was actually looking feasible for ten minutes.)

As it turns out, it's only affordable to take the train long-distance if you're going somewhere close. IE, I looked up prices to Carbondale (in the southern-ish part of the state) and it was only $32, which is probably what I'd spend on gas anyway. Why would I go there? Eh, a person? But it'd be much more entertaining to drag them up

Yeah, traveling by train = not very feasible. Still, it's something I'd like to do someday.

Um...I also became an organ donor yesterday.

And...I registered to take summer classes at the community college here so that I can play catch-up/ease my workload come the next couple years. Yaaay...

Also, I drew Shin, meaning I've kicked up theTaco TCG series 2. Huzzah!

And if you enjoy the combination of Edokuns-wife and annoying Adam, I highly suggest checking out the latest entry at the Chatlogs o' Doom.

Writing Response 8

In which Katana proves she cannot write action sequences, and also disproves that she can't continue anything ever. ...Except this was on a two-month hiatus. HUZZAH. -------------------------------------------...

Read the full post »

National Doodle Day reminder

Before that: I AM HOME!


Now to quote wholesale my post from the Watercooler:

Believe it or not - though really, you should - there is such a thing called National Doodle Day. It is March 5th, and it's actually a charity fundraiser in Britain in order to raise money to help people affected by epilepsy and neurofibromatosis.

While we obviously don't have the resources to do the good deed that the British Epilepsy Association does, I thought it would nonetheless be fun and interesting to see what we, the people of theOtaku, doodle up. To celebrate the day, do the obvious - doodle something! Submit it anytime during Friday, March 5th with the tag "doodle day" and let's see what we can make.

Don't consider yourself an artist? Aww - this is all in the name of fun! No worries or shame here. Not anime? Nothing wrong with that either! I do, however, strongly encourage you to stay away from digital submissions. C'mon guys - it's doodling, the activity you do during class when you'd rather not learn about poets or theorms.

So put your pen(cil) to the paper and draw!

I already have a lulzy doodle idea from playing AA:I (while at Steak 'n Shake, proving I am a lonely person *brick'd*).