I have to go to work soon, and I hope to make a post with stuff in a bit, but today I got a letter from the university saying "Hey, you got accepted to take the Intro to Vis Comm class!"
Except that I knew this yesterday because I randomly decided to see if I could register for it. And I could. So yay!
But along with that acceptance letter, I got one talking about computers. And as we all know, the graphic design world is odd and still holds to the standard that Macs are superior despite me and the rest of the PC-graphic-designers saying "NUH-UH". So the letter talked about what the "Good, Better, Best" Macs are, and I ran Piers against them.
For reference, this Piers cost me $529.
Piers beats the "Good", which is a MacBook. AND IT COSTS $949 WTF. For 13", 2 gig of Ram, and a 250 gig harddrive?! My God, my soul just died!
Piers is fairly on par with the "Better", a MacBook Pro. Same Ram. ...Actually, hang on. (This costs $1599.)
Piers is better on par with the "Best", a more spiffed version of the MacBook Pro, which has a 17" monitor, 4 gigs of Ram, and a 500 gig harddrive. (Piers has a 320 gig harddrive). My lappy has an odd widescreen of 16" (so it's longer but shorter in dimensions than a typical widescreen - 1366x768 versus 1280x800), but hey, I'm not a huge freak on screensize.
Also, "best" costs - wait for it - $2299. OW, MY SOUL.
The back of the letter has an FAQ,and the first question is "What if I have a PC?" And the response is very snooty - "Well, it'll work I GUESS but the professional standard is a Mac."
Here's the thing - Mac interface and PC interface, when it comes to Photoshop, IS NOT DIFFERENT AT ALL. I can work on both machines, I'm just more comfortable on a PC. They continue to say that if you have a PC, you won't have the staff support, and I'm thinking, the hell? I know my way around Photoshop like the back of my hand, why would I need your help?
Yes, it is so jerkassish of me to say so, but honestly, it's ridiculous. I'm still going to fire an e-mail at the prof, just to ask him s'more questions and get on better terms with him. Yes, I will be polite, so you don't have to tell me that.
Though - I feel silly asking this - can someone explain exactly how processors work? 2.53 GHz versus 2.5GHz, and the latter is on the "best" laptop? Explain plz kthnx.
Huzzah, my finals are over! I'm back home! I've got winter break sign, bitches!
Last night, me, Waffuru, her sister, and our friend Marissa went out to catch a late afternoon showing of The Princess and the Frog (which was the smart choice as far as movie-going goes). We got there a little early, so we killed time in the lobby, wherein I saw THIS! I then decided to Tweet it to RiffTrax for kicks. But when I woke up...
...to which I screamed into my pillow. Yay! (The picture currently has 599 views, hurr.)
RIGHT SO, the movie! It was a GREAT movie! I kinda want to see it again, just to catch things I missed and relive the glory that is a hand-drawn animation musical spectacular from Disney. After every song, they'd have this epic finishing scene, and each time I would flail my hands and go "Pretty! 8D" My favorite is Mama Odine's, because the ending shows the sun rising into the tree and there's all these colored bottles and the imagery is just AMAZING. I'm going to have to get the DVD just to get that picture, because it was THAT awesome.
Because I said "Pretty! 8D" so much, Marissa coined the phrase that is my review for the movie: "The Princess and the Frog: Five out of five art students say "PRETTY!!!""
And yes, it did make me cry towards the end, but it was one of those bittersweet moments. I praise Disney for not shying away from the death concept, as it does seem like an important motif they've had in the past. And thankfully, they didn't pull one of those "magic/tears bringing them back to life" scenes.
And because I'm one of the first people on theO to see it and be talking about it, Adam wrangled me into writing up a list for the 100 Things I Learned site. I...don't think they're all that good, but eh, that's me being me. The good thing that came out of it was not only getting credit on the site, but I've got me an Adam Favor. And since I never get Adam Favors, I'm not letting it go too easily.
Last week I got the 16th MST3K boxset, and I didn't realize how much I loved Santa Claus until now. I've been playing the hell out of the DVD (which I'm doing now). And because I'm back home, I've gotten to spruce up the basement nook again. So far, this is all I've got, but damn are the color implosions pretty.
To wrap this up, I'm going out gift shopping after dinner. I really want to find things for my mom and dad, since their gift to each other was the LCD TV, which means they're not getting presents for the most part. For my dad, it'll probably be a CD while for my mom, I'm leaning towards getting her the DVD of Julie & Julia. It has sentimental value as being one of the last things we did together before I went to college, but it was also one of few films we've seen in the theaters.
...And that marker drawing I did of Crow just fell off the wall. Time to go.
Imeem is apparently part of MySpace now.
Forgive me for not knowing this before, but dammit, I was listening to I'll Make a Man Out of You last night right on Imeem and then I log on now to listen to it again to get me some music to write a paper to AND I GET DIRECTED TO A MYSPACE PAGE AND AND AND -
1.) Putting my Christmas cards together. IE, shoving them in envelopes and slapping stamps on them.
2.) Shopping for Christmas presents, namely for one person in particular. WHY IS IT SO FRACKING HARD.
3.) Having a pre-Movie Sign Movie Sign with Japan and Trip.
4.) Movie Sign, featuring the triumphant return of Missay since her time in Japan. We are ironically watching a Japanese movie.
5.) Figuring out a way to get my back to stop hurting.
6.) Keeping my feet warm because it is waaaay to freaking cold in my room.
7.) Something or another.
8.) Changing out of my pajamas.
Today I slept until noon to recuperate from getting 3.5 hours of sleep the previous night (my physical state of being wasn't too happy at me). Ahh...yeah, and I think I'll be pulling a late night tonight again. >_>;
So I go to Art 100 and we all put our projects on huge drawing boards and then hang out so that the prof can talk to us one-on-one. Lindsey and I set about actually working on ours, and when the prof comes to talk to us, she tells us something that like, blew my mind. She wants to have ours displayed in the gallery ("the" being...I dunno, but there's two I know of off-hand), because our pieces "don't normally come out of foundations classes".
MY MIND IS BLOWN yes again.
Anyway, I think I can finish this tonight, and then I'd like to try to scan it to the lappy. XD; That'll be a beast, but it'd look great...
After I took the picture I colored in Katja. >>;