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Hello there, this is Katana, also known as Kat in some circles. I'm your friendly neighborhood twenty-two-year-old illustrator/writer whose sarcasm is second to none and harboring the ability to verbalize the parentheses in stories. I drink coffee and draw like an addict and am liable to get you into things that I like. Currently the wielder of a BFA in Illustration and a minor in English.

Questions? Comments? Death threats? Feel free to PM or message me in some iteration. I'm always around, you just don't know it.

"Some of the great artists of our time started off by doodling in class. ...Maybe. Oh heck I dunno."
- Miss Anonymous


So um, hey guys.

I just learned that the people who make the Avatar: The Last Puppetbender series are going to be at ACen and are having a panel on Saturday at 1pm.


Yeah, I'm so going it isn't funny. >o>;

This means we're going to have to change the meet-up time, because yes, I am a selfish bastard like that.


I'm not sure what to call this. It's a scholarship, I guess, but one that waives my entire freshman year tuition. Merhrm.

NIU has opened the doors for applications for their freshman art scholarship, and I'm wasting no time in getting my best work put together to submit to them. They want five pieces, but I've assembled eight to submit.

My five definites:

1.) Zune Ad 2 - My BABY. I love this thing so much.
2.) Skullcandy - It's a still-life in MARKER. And it turned out boss.
3.) Catch the Other - Still showing I can do pencil.
4.) Otachic - I'm not big on fashion, but the design board turned out well.
5.) Zune Ad 1 - Not as good as the other, but I'm proud for the medium.

My three on-the-fences:

6.) Tragic Ends - It's an illustration that coincides with a magazine article. But will they like it?
7.) Anticipation - The Lunchbell - A year-old piece demonstrating oil pastel. I like it, but that's up for debate.
8.) Self-Portrait: Bleh - Two years old! Hittin' the painting spectrum to show that area. The more I look at this piece, they more I dislike it, so please make me stop looking at it...XD

Guys, I'm really hoping for this. I have a few things working on my side - good grades and a high ACT score, experience in practically every medium except photography, and specializations in two areas most people don't - ink and Photoshop.

I really really want this.

Very badly.

Happy Easter

I hate when people say "Hoppy Easter". Drives me nuts.

I'm hyped up on chocolate right now, which is probably not the best state of mind to post in, but:

My brother Matt and his wife, Cara, are over right now. Ten minutes ago, we were lounging in the living room when Cara goes "I have a fa-vor to ask."


"May we borrow some of your MST3K boxsets?


Apparently, Cara has been a MSTie forever and she and Matt have been watching some shorts on YouTube. "But it's just not the same," she said, "And I know you have your collection..." [I replied to a comment about my status on Facebook that said I'd spend today in the basement, drawing and watching MST3K.]

My collection is eight boxsets and three single-packs strong, all of which I brought out to show them. Cara chose two [Volume 2, with Cave Dwellers, Pod People, Angels Revenge, and Shorts 1 and Volume 10.2, with Giant Gila Monster, Swamp Diamonds, Teenage Strangler, and Giant Spider Invasion] to borrow. And she was jealous of the signatures I had on my Essentials case. X3

So no, I'm not quoting yet, but knowing Matt, it'll soon come to that point.

Thing just keep on happening

I love three and a half day weeks. They're lovely. I went out to lunch Thursday, had the day off yesterday, worked my ass off last night, and will be on salad bar patrol tonight. Tomorrow is Movie Sign, then I go through the coming week with next week is the ACTs for the juniors - that means I have Wednesday and Thursday off, with Friday being a half day and Saturday being prom (not going, as the norm).

First, a tangent on my friends:

On Thursday, me, Jazz, Mita, and Brian went out to lunch after school. Mmm...Applebees mini bacon cheeseburgers...

We were talking and talking, just shooting the breeze and enjoying ourselves...Prom came up, and I brought up my signature line of "ACen is my prom". Suddenly, Jazz grins and goes "You know, I'd love to come to that. It'd be so fun; dress up and run around and stuff..."

Thus became the declaration that Jazz and Mita are coming to AnimeCentral next year, despite them not knowing very much (if anything) about anime/manga.

Later on, I was geeking out about Cinematic Titanic coming back to Chicago in September. Mita says she'd like to come to a show, to see what it's all about...I've been harassing Brian ever since I went that I would love to drag him to a show. He calls it "pirate shark" (Titanic, water, ocean...?) and has always referred to it as such. And despite having enjoyed MST: The Movie and loving Gypsy, he likes to feign disinterest.

Well, he's going to college in Chicago, and when I announced they were coming back during a time where'd he be in Chicago, he groaned. ...Until later, when we were sitting and chatting and he goes "Maybe I'll come see Cinematic Titanic with you."

...Which caused me to grin a very spooky grin.

"You called it Cinematic Titanic. :D"
"...I'm not going anymore. >____>"

My plans? Well, I've declared I want to go all three days, since I never really get to do anything fun. I don't see movies or really go shopping or anything of the sort...if I spend money, it's on art supplies or food. I deserve something fun. Aaand I've got two more online friends who just might be coming in for the weekend to see the show...I'm going to be very social that weekend.

Now, a tangent on work:

I was able to weasel my way out of working Mother's Day, due in part to the fact that apparently my boss likes me. Meh-uh. That's good. So I officially have that whole weekend off. I also learned last night that my boss thought I was a junior, since when I started talking about graudation, she went "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU MEAN YOU'RE A SENIOR?!"

Also, a little girl thought I was a boy 'cause of my short haircut. Her mom came to my defense, I just laughed it off. The kitchen thought it was funny too and, as I was leaving, my waitress bff Ann went, "Gidg, I don't think you look like a boy!" Cue lawling.

It was busy as hell last night, though, being Good Friday and all. Lots of fish and water orders, tips were...dunno. I'll find out tonight. Didn't get off until 9:30, hung around until 10 eating (guess what) fish, and then came home and became anti-social by playing some Sims 2 and then going to sleep. Whee.

Today I went out and bought a tanktop to wear underneath my Organization XII cloak, of which my oboe/seamstress buddy Analise is making. Me and Waffles chose to make it out of twill (I think) as opposed to pleather, for practicality reasons. And money. Of course. :D



New Orleans - Wednesday and Thursday

New Orleans, New Orleans...hello again! It's been a week since my arrival, and herein lies the trip. For your convenience, a cast of characters, so to speak: Kat - You know, me. I play oboe. Senior. Ryu - You know who he is too. Plays...

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