NOW what are you?!

Last night, me and my friend Robyn were talking over Skype and she dragged me over to the to read some MSTings she found. Those are stories that take fanfics and then riff on them with (typically) Mike and the 'bots. And these are not just any stories - these are the worst of the worst. Two of them were Harry Potter fics (one with Harry discovering Jesus, the other, the infamous My Immortal (see TV Tropes)) and one was a DBZ fic in which Goku travels back in time and meets...and falls in love with...Anne Frank. I had to bust out the Nutella to get through that one.

Four words: Hitler. Super saiyan. Is.

So this morning, I wake up, take a shower, and stumble out into the kitchen to put my clothes in the laundry room. My mom chimes that there's a package on the table. I get excited, thinking it's my laptop's power cord, but alas, no. It's just a package from Kastom.

...Oh, wait.

First thing I do is open up the card inside, which is way too cute:

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Second thing I do is see what the third item is. But I take out the second item first, which turns out to be multiple items. Guess the episodes, win the prize:

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And the third item, which caused my mom to just die in laughter:

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THEIR HEADS ARE ON MAH BEWBS *speeding truck'd*

Thank you honey. <3~
