Five-day sweep because I obviously didn't feel like posting the past few days. If you've been in Chat, then you know I've been feeling a lot better, but I'm still bummed. Life goes on.
Sharing is Caring
For one week, recommend/share:
Day one: a song
Day two: a picture
Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four: a site
Day five: a youtube clip
Day six: a quote
Day seven: whatever tickles your fanc
Day three:
To Each A Tempo, the best fanfiction I ever read in my life. A Phoenix Wright/Elite Beat Agnts crossover, it is a long, epic, detailed, and totally just amazing story. I can actually see the story happen; I feel as if I could play it in both video games.
Day four:
Kinda going on the above, I present to you osu!, which is like Ouendan! or Elite Beat Agents for your compy. Download the program, download beatmaps to over one thousand songs from a rather impressive mix of J-Pop and American pop numbers. When I can have the beatmap to Sakura Kiss and Ready Steady Go! alongside Leave It All To Me and Don't Stop Me Now, you know it's a good day.
Day five:
The phrase "OR YOU'LL GET THE BACK OF MY HAND" is going to be heavily applied to Foof Hiko come Youmacon.
Day six:
I'm a quote monster. Let's go with what I have on Facebook, which houses my all-time favorites.
My life quote: "Being an oddity doesn't bother me, as long as I'm a thought-provoking one." - Joel Hodgson
The quote in my intro: "It's a plot device. It's very flimsy, so be careful." - Crow
More English geeking: "That's a country, not a verb!" - Be Kind Rewind
Graphic design geeking: "OOOoooooooo!! Now who's evil? Forget .gifs, man. I'm an evil .tif! Or maybe an evil 24-bit .png with alpha channel. Or maybe an evil targa file? Whatever those are." - Strong Bad
Me in general: "You're the weirdest person I know." - Brian
Day seven
Whatever tickles my fancy...