
Today I slept until noon to recuperate from getting 3.5 hours of sleep the previous night (my physical state of being wasn't too happy at me). Ahh...yeah, and I think I'll be pulling a late night tonight again. >_>;

So I go to Art 100 and we all put our projects on huge drawing boards and then hang out so that the prof can talk to us one-on-one. Lindsey and I set about actually working on ours, and when the prof comes to talk to us, she tells us something that like, blew my mind. She wants to have ours displayed in the gallery ("the" being...I dunno, but there's two I know of off-hand), because our pieces "don't normally come out of foundations classes".

MY MIND IS BLOWN yes again.

Anyway, I think I can finish this tonight, and then I'd like to try to scan it to the lappy. XD; That'll be a beast, but it'd look great...


External Image

After I took the picture I colored in Katja. >>;
