The first day of ten years

Crazy to think that it's 2010, meaning that it's a new decade. And now I just realized, this is the first full decade I've lived through. Born in 1991 means I don't count for the full decade that was the 90s. So weird.

Continuing the tradition of years past, here are the random stats of this World:

Total posts: 162
Average/month: 13.5
Average/week: 3.1

Down from 197 posts last year, but I'm not sure I'll ever beat that.

Last night at the restaurant was...good stuff. I mean, it was better than most nights in terms of workload and money, though we did tons of people. Reservation-only rocks my socks off. Plus there was lots of food and wacky hijinks, which is always a good time.

I got home at 11:45 and, with nowhere to go, came into Chat to ring in the new year. Turned on the TV and found the ending of Tennant's first episode of Doctor Who, and I've been watching it for...well, yeah.

I decided to hole myself up in my room for the weekend, which honestly isn't that unusual except that I notified my parents about it:

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And I've been holed in Chat watching it for the past seven or so hours with TC, Arch, Japan, and now Wayward. Oh good fun.
