My, that really sucks

I'm not going to lie: My parents are awesome. But I'm not going to lie: They're complete idiots.

A misunderstanding has occur ed, and now instead of going to the con Friday evening, it looks like I'll be getting there Saturday morning. They essentially were saying I never told them of my plan to go and blah blah...which is a complete lie, I definitely told them...

The hpoeful plan: Get rides from Waffles. ._.; Here's hoping the text message got to you!

Regardless, it's not really going to make much of an impact. I didn't plan to do anything Friday night, except get Quinton Flynn's autograph [SO SORRY WAFFLES WAH Dx], so I' I am staying the night, however, and leaving Sunday evening. I HAVE TO BE THERE SUNDAY.


RECENT DEVELOPMENT: Wow, I think I'm screwed. Merr.
