Where did I leave my egg salad sandwich

Currently my favorite .gif:

External Image

It fairly accurately describes how I feel right now (though in a sort of calm way).

This morning, I woke up a bit later than I wanted but still managed to get coffee (wooh) before meeting up with Terumi and heading down to the art building. We have Art History 291 Tuesday and Thursdays from 11 to 12:45, and today we had...our first test.

I decided to go with the "wing it" method, and actually did quite well despite only writing the equivalent of maybe seven lines of notes over the past few weeks. But before we took the test, there was something else we were to deal with.

As soon as Terumi and I entered the building, the fire alarm went off. Sooo we head around the corner and out the other set of doors with the rest of the first floor, though we being college students are highly intelligent and stayed within five feet of the doors. We were outside for about twenty minutes while some fire trucks came and all the like. Some dude in the music building was watching us, so I waved at him.

He didn't wave back. D:

Dadada, came back to the dorm, ate lunch, went to Coms, listened to more speeches, drew, had the kids around me go "oooh a picture", then came back and vegged out.

Then right before dinner, I had a moment. And it was a great moment.

And then my friends were like "WHERE ARE YOU WE'RE HUNGRY" so that moment was kinda cut short/ruined.

Anyway...Art 101 from 6-8:40, coming back and relaxing and enjoying that I don't have classes tomorrow. ...But I do have work. Snap. ...No, actually, that's good, I like tips...
