A major change, a minor declaration

Ooooh, zing!

So far, today has been an interesting day. The plan was to wake up around 8am, get to the art building at 8:30am in order for me to sign up for a walk-in appointment with the undergraduate adviser/my boss.

Well, that plan went down when I woke up at 10:03 and went "...crap".

So instead I get there at 10:30, but since the semester isn't even at the middle, I was able to get in within the span of about five minutes. What's nice about being a peer adviser is that I know all the requirements and such of the courses, so the change was quick and painless. She also liked that I talked to both my old Vis Comm prof (Leef Leif Ericson) and an Illustration prof, getting the lay of the land from the both of them.

I was just sooo excited when I heard about the stuff done in Illustration. It sounded...you know, fun.

Around 10:45 my major was changed from Design - Visual Communication to Studio Art - Illustration. Chatted for a bit before being pushed out of the office to get a withdraw form in the dean's office. That's in the music building, which is right next to the art building...but on the third floor.

10:53, I bolted out, down the steps, ran to the building, down a hall, up a flight, down another hallway, to an elevator, got in, got out, filled out the form, bolted out, only to go back 'cause I forgot some papers, then to the elevator WHICH HAS THE FIRST FLOOR BUTTON BROKEN, to the second floor, down the hall, down the stairs, through the lobby, out the doors, cross the courtyard, shoot into the basement of the art building, and get there in time for art history.

Afterwards, Terumi and I grabbed lunch before going to the Village Commons Bookstore and snagging several pouches of eraser sticks and drafting tape. After dodging traffic, we went to Reavis, the English building, incidentally bumping into Jiaqi and heading on in. On the second floor, I took a breath and met with their undergrad adviser, deciding to take the plunge and declaring a minor in English, with my emphasis on creative writing.

I am so ecstatic. Like, I know I have more work, but dude, I'm just so excited.
