The URL Cache Game

I did this a while ago - in your URL box, type in each letter of the alphabet and see what you get. Back then, however, it was all based on the actual URL. Nowadays, because Firefox can BLOW MY MIND, the URL box remembers the titles of pages. Therefore, this becomes a whole lot more interesting.

Ten-minutes game to amuse yourself and/or your watchers. Type in a letter, take the first link that matches closest to the letter (IE, X might be a tricky letter to find a page that begins with that). Link if necessary.

Yes, I am bored.

So here's what I got...

A - Alone in the Dark Review
B - Blackboard Academic Suite (for college)
C - Chat
D -
E - Eyeroll icon
F - Facebook
G - Google Video
I - IPTV Portral (campus-provided internet TV)
J - Journal of a Female Fanboy
K - Katana -
L - Lightning Rod of Hate
M - MegaTokyo
N - Nostalgia Critic
O - Oh My, Plotholes
P - The Posse (LiveJournal friends page)
Q - Quantum Hub, TimeChaser's (*brick'd*)
R - redjacketalchemis -
S - The Spoony Experiment
T - Twitter
U - YouTube (closest I could get)
V - VG Cats
W - The Watercooler
X - stock.xchng (again, closest I could get)
Y - YouTube
Z - Amazon (specifically, this page, again, CIGC
