ACen and the Hotel de Kat

ACen's coming up! And herein I make my plan, which I shall make a bullet list for 'cause I'm just feeling that way:

- I'm recycling my Maya Fey costume to save some scratch. Also, it's a really good costume that I only wore once. Just need to get a new wig, no problem.

- The con is May 14-16th. I'm done with school the week before. *DANSU*

- I got to thinking...I think I'll be commuting to the con this year. It's not exactly an issue of money on my part, but I'd like to try and limit myself on spending in order to get my dad off my back about it. =n=;

- Since I'm 80% sure I'll be commuting, I'd like to once again bring up the offer of the Hotel de Kat, aka my basement. And here is where I get serious, so NO MORE BULLETS WOOH!

You know I trust you guys. Also, a lot of you know that my parents are actually pretty cool and non-paranoid about my many fabled internet friends. So here's the deal: If you would like to come to ACen but are concerned about lodgings, I extend this offer to you, and I seriously do mean it. You need your parents to talk to me and/or my parents? No problem. I'm fine with that. All I ask for is some cash in return to pay for the commute and (mostly) the parking fees.

And since I'm out of school by that point anyway, I could also pick you up if you come in to Chicago anywhere. So yeah. We coo'.

In other news: SoulSilver is eating my soooooul. XD But what I have noticed is that I do get sick of it and have to turn my DS off for a little bit, so I'm not going at it like crazy. Not gonna lie though, I was playing it during my 3D critique last night and Coms today during speeches. :x
