
Yesterday was last shibang, one last thing to do before the last week kicks in. Being in art means we have projects over papers for finals, and while one of mine is due next Tuesday, the other is due Wednesday. So.

Right. After a bustling night of work on Friday (I felt like I had the crap beaten out of me; I really can't say why), I went to bed early and got back to campus around noon Saturday. Then I dragged Terumi and Jiaqi down I-88 and to Lombard in order to go the Doctor Who store. (It's actually called Alien Entertainment and they have other things there, but there's a big corner of Doctor Who stuff.)

Armed with a recently heavily boosted bank account (thanks to dying in the art building for two weeks due to advising), I was ready.

But before that - PICTURES!

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First thing I did was IMMEDIATELY snatch up the sonic screwdriver. :B

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The corner/entry to the stockroom. We started formulating ideas as to how to get our dorm rooms like the TARDIS, but we'd have to use paper over paint Because Yeah.

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Oh my God books. So. Many. Books. Agh.

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Magazines, action figures, stuff, etc.

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I took this picture for K-9. >3<

After I dropped a bit more money than I'd care to share, we went out to Buffalo Wild Wings, wherein I ate more food than I care to share before deciding to check out the mall. We scoped out this store called Too Cool, which was filled with a bunch of anime bootlegs. Huzzah!

After being kicked out by the cashier lady (because she misinterpreted something Terumi said and was getting annoyed with us looking at things, I guess), we attempted to get back on to I-88. And I couldn't figure out how. So we took the long way home, route 38, which is the main street here in DeKalb and just runs through a whole crapload of towns, including my home turf. Quick stop to JoAnn Fabrics to get paint, then I knew how to get on 88 from there, so we zoomed at 80 the rest of the way. >>

Frozen custard was procured before completly vegging out for the night. Particpated in the Doctor Who chat despite not having a TV (I wonder if Mom and Dad watched it...) and then I read a lot.

My loot for the day, which includes 11's sonic, a Dalek wall clock, an audio drama with 8, a comic book with 10 and Martha (art is cool and weird at the same time), the "Peacemaker" book (which I've torn through and am almost finished with >___>;), and uh...a tube of purple paint.

Eeee...I've got four more days of classes left, then two days of finals. Huzzah! And wtf!
