I swear I'll post up the ACen reports. School's draining me right now, though. x3x
So for AP Art next year, we need to have a concentration topic. I chose the internet, as it is something I'm heavily involved with and a contributing factor to my future career. As I describe it to my dad, it's "taking an abstract concept and making it into a tangible, physical object".
To which he responded, "I'm an engineer, I have no idea what you just said."
I'm kind of an odd person when it comes to these sorts of things. The internet has come to try and emulate real life, situations, and locations. Journals aren't just called blogs anymore - they're your world, your space, your book. Those who bootleg are referred to as pirates. Things aren't so much portfolios as galleries. Chatrooms, instant messaging - hell, the internet was once (and still is) called "the information super highway".
Here's where I come in.
Instead of thinking of those things as merely dots on the screen, I imagine what they'd look like as real things. For instance, the comment box wasn't so much a text input for me as it was a bathroom wall where people came and went, leaving their tidbits if they wished. theOtaku isn't a series of boxes on my screen, it's an entire sprawling city.
And that's what I'm going to do! Take these ideas and put 'em on paper. I think I can milk it for 15 pieces, but regardless, I'd appreciate any suggestions. 8D