Just a gen behind

Geology let out early today, and I set out with a mission. I set out with the purpose of finding a PS2 because back in the day, my brother was a moron and sold our system. I don't know why.

First I went to Super Target to poke around. Turns out they've renovated their electronics section, totally throwing me off. They got rid of the display cases and made it extremely difficult to find systems, though at least you can investigate boxes...Also, there's an entire aisle for mediocre Wii games whereas the 360 and PS3 get barely a half aisle each. Confusing.

Anyway, I knew I could get the system cheaper, so I left and went for the GameStop. ...Aaaand apparently it was closed down in the time I wasn't here. Huzzah. So I go down the road and end up at the other one and found my system~!

No Tales of the Abyss, and neither was it a mile down the road. There apparently is a copy at the store near my college, but I'd rather not journey out there just for that...

I did, however, buy Dynasty Warriors 3 (because that series is my UBER guilty pleasure) and Sly 2: Band of Thieves 'cause, uh, it was there. So I have stuff to kill time on for the moment.

Yay on being one generation behind! :D
