Huzzah employment!

With the exception of bussing on the weekends (which hasn't been very much and for reasons I said were okay and that shall only be for the summer), I haven't been working a whole lot. Granted, I'm doing my Geology class on Mondays and Wednesdays from noon to about 4 or 5, which eats up the afternoon. Considering I don't wake up early, it's fine.

Got a call yesterday about doing orientations at the art building, and I'm like, sure thing. Except not Mondays or Wednesdays. So now I'm working every Tuesday and Thursday from here until the end the middle of July (six days total). What makes me happy is that this means I get to interact with freshies!

I like freshmen, I mean, I love younger kids. And I mean this in a good way. For the most part, they're annoying, but you find that outcrop and they're fun. And it never hurts to kind of hunt around and maybe find a kid that could use your help.

This also means ahhhh I'll be waking up with an alarm every day except Friday and the weekend. >__>

No, this doesn't mean my sleeping habits will change any. <__<

But this does mean I'll be poking out at the GameStop out there for the copy of Tales of the Abyss they apparently have. :V
