Kat Alone

Title inspired by an episode of a show whose artbook I bought today.

You know how, in many stories, the main character is an orphan of sorts? Maybe they're on their own, maybe they're being raised by relatives or siblings, or maybe they're they're even in government care. Whatever. Orphans are fun because they don't have to burden the story and the author by having to write and explore parents.

My parents left this morning for the likes of southern Georgia, leaving me alone. Well, me and my brother, but I hardly count him as a person. This boils down to me taking the dogs out, doing the laundry, cleaning the dishes, and keeping things from not exploding.

It got me thinking about how much being an orphan sucks. Grant it, most of this lies in taking care of the dogs, and most orphans who are on their own tend to not have pets to take care of. Still, there's everything else involved.

I think having the week to purely take care of myself is going to be fun. Also, I got to cook and be fancy and not have my mom ask why I was chopping up broccoli and tomatoes in the food processor. (Chicken topped with tomoccoli garnish and baked at 400° F is nomtastic.) So maybe I can milk a cookbook out of this deal.

Things I'm looking forward to: Friday's 4pm Doctor Who is with the 9th Doctor. Saturday is an all-day marathon of DW season 5, ending with the season finale. No work this weekend (since I was supposed to be on vacation). Geology class ends this coming week!

Things to do: 2-3 drawings for various people of various things...but all for birthdays...
