It was bound to happen

I was debating on what to do for my Halloween costume - recycle something, make something new, plain not do something...But then I came home yesterday and found a scarf on my bed. Yay!

My mom knits but I don't like sweaters, so she instead gets to make me all kinds of hats and scarves. Needing a new one this winter, she found a pattern for the 4th Doctor's in her stash of things throughout the years and, after a bit of begging and color-assisting on my part, she made it for me. And it is GLORIOUS.

And huge. Like two feet across and seven feet long. Shorter than the actual scarf but plenty big for me.

Anyway, I went out to Goodwill today in hopes of maybe finding the few last bits for a 4 costume. Instead, I found a tweed jacket and determined that I have pretty much all the other components to do an 11.

Since Halloween is a Sunday this year, I'll be sporting it on Friday and then go from there. There's a lot I have to get done within the next week, so maybe feeling like a time traveling alien will help.
