There are pictures contained within this post, so I'm making it a new page to skip over that awkwardness. (What awkwardness?) I dunno shut up.
Well, the XBox 360 that Missay very very generously gave me arrived yesterday right before I had to leave for work.
Me: It’s probably the XBox I was telling you my friend was sending me.
Dad: Yeah, but it’s not like I BELIEVED you.
I got it set up after coming home. But I was tired and didn't have games for it yet, so I just diddled about setting things up. Also, wtf, you need a Gold Membership to do Netflix? Seriously?
I also need a gamertag. Apparently "Kataoi" is taken, which...boggles my mind. And sadly, "DoctorKat" is taken too. I have yet to try "ProfessorWhy" or "PhysicianInquiry". Any suggestions are welcome.
Also today, I went on an adventure to check out the art show thing that my picture got used for.
Little did I know that the picture was REALLY used. Like...used.
(And here's a bigger version if you need it.)
The big stick up my butt was that they called the piece "the Dancers" in the little booklet.
Oh yeah, the booklet. It was the cover:
...and if you wanted to look up the map to find a booth, TOO BAD, it's there too!
The Dancers?! Seriously, just e-mail me, gaaawd.
Oh, and this one lady liked my haircut. :'D