I mean, I lived. I lived just fine. Thing's really hard to buy things you need when you have to go elsewhere to hock interent from people.
Oh yeah, I had to drop $417 on a digital SLR camera for my photography class (Nikon D3000 is what I ended up getting). I kinda wanted to vomit over that, but I've recovered. I'm just not that happy with the prof, my former boss, because he could've saved me some trouble by telling me this information four months ago ANYWAY.
We have internet. After several phone calls and hours dancing to hold music, we have internet. I realize today is the date they gave us in the e-mail, but when I called, they were pushing it to Saturday, then Thursday, until I finally managed to beg and plead the case enough to get it to today. Thankfully, the dude who did the installation was nice.
Things are going alright so far. I'll make a more comprehensive school post this weekend. For now, I color.