A collection of tags

1. Are you a black leather kind of person or a brown leather kind of person?
Black. I think it has something to do with the fact that I already have brown hair, so black's a nice contrast.

2. What was the first thing you ever cooked on a stove-top by yourself?
I don't even remember...probably scrambled eggs.

3. If there was one physical bodily thing you wouldn't mind changing, what would it be?
Soooo I won't type down what I'm thinking...
I wouldn't mind getting rid of leg hair. :P

4. What was the last time you ever had to explain a weird/niche fandom to someone about?
I had to explain My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic a few weeks ago to one of my friends. We were bumming around the drawing studio and talking about our summers, and I let loose the Ponies for Who ordeal and was thus forced to explain.

5. What is the best aspect/trait/feature of bacon?
That perfectly salty, meaty taste it has.

6. If you had to get into a fistfight, what would your favourite / most confident attack be?
Sooo I have really long fingernails that are excellent devices for digging into people's skin...

7. Have you ever been caught singing something embarrassing in public before you realized you were doing it?
I'm completely aware of my surroundings at all time. I choose to sing A Freak Like Me Needs Company because I do what I wan'.

8. What is the worst pick-up line you have ever told or have ever been told?
The one that made me facepalm was (spoilers for Doctor Who) "Unlike Amy's pregnancy, my feelings for you are certain."

9. What is your favourite fancy essay-type word?
Oh man...haven't written one in what seems like forever. I like to keep it simple; I think "however" is a great word.

10. If you were despot of a small, completely indoctrinated nation, what would the national chant be?

11. If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, keeping in line with what's important to you right now, these days, what's on your mind, what would it be?
I'd tell myself to watch Doctor Who as soon as we got satellite (which I think was around '05) so I could experience all the anxiety first hand and maybe not hate Rose SO much.