Some of you may be aware of a certain situation. The people who need to know will understand. If you don't get it, don't concern yourself.
I am the "third party" in a certain other person's posts. There has been a lot of dissing on this third party because I am apparently a person who just doesn't understand, or something like that. Or in other words, I'm a bad person. Stop being a bad person, me.
How to summarize my thoughts...something like this: That moment when you feel punched in the gut and have been thoroughly lied to for two years, had your emotions manipulated for two years, and feel so betrayed you can’t even rage about it because you don’t know what to do.
There is a whole 'nother side to this story that I am not sharing because I view it as a private matter. Apparently others do not. And we may be human, but that is no reason to do the things that have been done to me.