I love the laptop so very very much. The only beef I have with it is the location of the left Ctrl key. -_O
Right, since theO resizes images and makes text impossible to read on said images, I'm just going to point you in the direction of the photo I took and put on DA. Okay, so...yeah. There's zeh lappy known as Piers.
Maybe I've just had sub-par computers in the past, but the fact that I can brwose the interwebs, chat with my peeps, be working on a CG in Photoshop, listen to music via the Zune player and, for some bizarre reason, watch a DVD in Windows Media Center - all at the same time - makes me go "8O".
A couple of reviews I read brought up the weight of the laptop, which is about 6 pounds. My response is "If that's heavy...than you're a wuss..." However, the construction is very solid, rather than making use of cheap plastic. So that's probably going to account for some mass.
Would I recommend it? Yeah. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so happy with it. >>;