What does that shorten down to? WaKP P4? Ew...
It was about, what, a week and a half ago, when Waffuru turned to me in Grammar and went, "You know, we should play Persona 4 over winter break. 'cause neither of us is employed or has played it." And the underlying message of that sentence was "If we're going to be making jokes from the comic dub, we really should play that game. Your watching the anime doesn't count."
So one winter break start and an Amazon order later, a fresh and plastic-wrapped copy of P4 showed up on my doorstop. Today we began our first day of Persona-ing.
I told Waffles right off the bat that I heard the first hour is basically a cutscene. Little did I know the first two, three hours are like that. It was a lot of X-button hitting, giggling at random dialogue, and getting really annoyed at the anime-habit of repeating sentences that have just been spoken.
Don't take my complaining as my opinion of the game. When the game allows me to play, I really like it. And I have been told by a few different people that yeah, P4 takes a while to get going. I think we split at around the three hour mark, right after battling Shadow Chie. It seemed to be picking up, giving us the ability to free-roam a little bit in Yukiko's Castle and battle monsters and try to figure out all this stuff. The battle system is strange, not something I, at least, am used to (like, it's turn based, but that can be changed depending on what you do, etc.).
We also keep throwing out lines from the comic dub when they pop up. And the popular phrase right now is "Wanna make-out behind the dumpster?"
Neither of us feel quite prepared for normal mode, so we're playing this on beginner, which thankfully doesn't affect the outcomes available. And after some Googling of generic Japanese names, our guy is named Yoh Eda.
Depending on how exciting or not this turns out, I may or may not keep up on doing these posts. We shall see.