My friend Kristy and I have been talking about doing a booth for whatever-convention-we-go-to artist's alley for the better part of the last year. This year we intensified that desire, and tonight, on a complete whim, we looked up some local cons to see what the rate for a table would be.
We've applied to be on the wait-list for Kollison Con, which is so local it'd be like a 20 minute drive from my house. We then sent e-mails to Anime World Chicago and a really rinky-dink one called Anime Apocalypse asking for further information on tables for their cons.
After batting around several name ideas for the past year, we're now going with Team KnK (Kat and Kuro, her online handle). This now means we get to do variations on "Kat and Kuro draw you piiiiictures!", so that's pretty exciting.
There's a loooot to plan for, but in the meantime, it's a way to try and get our toes wet in the business and just maaaybe pedal our art a bit.