"Ten cars?!"

My idkbff kidnapped me today and took me to the mall to buy me my birthday present ['cause she had no idea what to get me >>;]. Ended up getting shirts...and stuff...Yeah.

Then we went into F.Y.E. because I had to. And guess what I bought as a little gift to myself.

When the cashier was checking me out, she was like, "So how do you like it?" And with a grin on my face, I answered, "It's slowly ruining my life." Then we geeked for a little bit and I felt better.

It's getting bad, though. I have to ween myself off this weekend less I go crazy at band camp. On a random note, is it just me, or is it a little weird that Joel is so very non-chalant, yet really into it in the theater? XD [Though from what I heard, actor!Joel hadn't gotten sleep in days before they shot the first episode host segment...apparently it was such a hit that they decided to keep it. Or so I've heard.]

Also, this has been bothering me. On myOtaku, there was that sidebar with all the info on a person you wanted. Now, not so much. So if you ever feel like talking [PLEASE *shot*], you can get me on all three IM services:
- AIM: Otakunumber6
- YIM: otaku06(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
- MSN/WLM: katana066(at)hotmail(dot)com
Replace words with symbols.

Now to return to Manos: Hands of Fate.
