As much as I don't want to think about it, school starts in a week and a half. Strangely enough, I...really have no problem with this. I'm actually looking forward to school for the mere fact that my schedule is awesome [at least for A Day, which is no surprise].
But yeah. School starting means no more staying up until...uhm...wee hours...ahem...
I've been binging on writing the OtakuFics recently, which is seen in the fact that I churned out two over the course of the past week. I've already got the outline for the fifth, though I'm waiting for the prompts to keep with the spirit and give me some idea of what'll happen, etc. My plan is to wrap up the current arc with the sixth installment and, if all goes well, maybe get it published on the site.
On that note, I'd like to take a moment to say thanks to all you guys. The comments are really encouraging and make me feel warm and fuzzy. So...thank you! ;_;
Okay, just go read it.
It's our special test run/pilot/sneak peak of what we hope to make a consistent thing. Next week is the official launch, but we decided to give it a little test tonight to see who'd be interested.
And with that, I'm off to go eat the pizza from yesterday.