Skypein' it up

Now Shinmaru has Skype, so we chatted for a bit last night. I mainly complained at how timechaser wouldn't come on and therefore blocked our trio of nerd power from happening. Though I apparently made enough weird noises [my signature sound effects] to prompt Shin to say "If anybody passed by my room, they'd be suspicious". Lulz.

Mom and I went out today in search of a Zune 80 for my dad's birthday. It ended in failiure and a Best Buy employee saying how we won't find one until maybe October or November. Wtf is this crap. It's SEPTEMBER. SEP-TEM-BER. Geh.

With that annoyance, we went home and I got to work. Heh, work. Went down to the basement to be in the cool coolness and brought my giant ass drawing board and AP breadth assignment to work on. Popped in "The Unearthly" and chalked my way to success with Joel and the 'bots keeping me company.

What's been up with the internet recently, eh? Seems so frickin' dead. Anyways, icons.

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1 - From episode 804 "The Deadly Mantis". I find sleeping!Crow painfully cute.
2 - From episode 910 "The Final Sacrifice". I know a few people this could be good for.
3 - From episode 1012 "Squirm". I liked the first quip better..."You're really unobservant aren't you?" But I made this one instead. I...dunno why.
4 - From episode 518 "The Atomic Brain". Now I'm certain I'm not the first to use this gag, but...
