I can't vote. Go underagers!
There's a line, in any fandom I'm involved in, that I usually don't cross. What is it? Fanfiction. I mean, reading it is a bit out of the norm for me, though definitely not unheard of. No...what's the ultimate step? Me writing it.
And even then, there's two categories. If I ever do write a fanfic, I typically write with original characters who exist in that universe but rarely, if ever, interact with canon characters. And then there comes the very, very, very rare one where I write purely of the canon. [I think I have...oh man, three?]
The one right now is - I think you can figure this out - of the latter category. And nothing is happening, which, I think, is the only way I could ever write a canon fic. Blargh.
I like it, which is unfortunate because it'll never see the light of day. :D
It's fun, though...