Tuesday, I had my laptop at school for commercial art. While hanging around during tech club, I whipped it out to pass the time between when we were done to when we were going to eat dinner...Anyways, I decided to fire up solitaire and I've been kinda-sorta addicted to it ever since.
"Kinda-sorta" meaning "whenever I'm bored, I play it". But good God I get into it. Yet...I don't remember shuffling around cards so much as I do now. Maybe it's just programming, who knows...
Work last night was interesting. We had crappy weather during the day, which I think hindered our opening business, but we picked up by seven. The waitresses were complaining about the lack of customers, but their numbers were actually pretty good. It was probably the way it was spread...meh.
My joke at work is how good I am at tending to the salad bar: "My people have tended salad bars since the Middle Ages, so I feel it's in my blood." Our owners, being cheap, cut out the salad bar kid, which we were in desperate need of last night. Juggling between keeping it filled, bussing tables, setting tables, watering/beading...yikes, it was a mess. Managed to do it all, though.
Apparently, the waitresses brought up to the owners how "good" I am at salad bar. ._.; What the crap kind of skill is that?
The rankings have been shifting around a bit. When they were first introduced, OM,P [lulz] was rated at 23. Then it was 33. Then 31. Then 26. Now it's back to 23. Hur.
School play night, so I'll be off doing tech stuff for that.