Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night of this past week, I stayed up quite late [2am] on iScribble.net, which is basically like a chat room with a doodle board. You go, enter a room, draw, and chat. I was called this way by a couple friends on a forum, and we've been having a trio of madness every night.
Why so late, though? I'm in Central time, they live on the west coast. >>; I was fine, though. XD;
Until last night. Last night, I was in the room and made the notification that I might fall asleep. And I did, probably around 1am. I woke up at 3:26 - the other person still there [the other had gone off to see Twilight for the lulz] and still drawing. And then I stayed up. Later and later...4am, 5am, 6am, 7am...
At 7:10, I finally went to bed because the Twlight-for-the-lulz person declared she was. XD; So the trio disbanded, I rolled over on my side, put on "Time of the Apes", and fell asleep.
I didn't actually get out of bed until 1:30. >>;
Worked last night...it was a pretty good time. Started off slow, got really busy, then peetered out. Blythe and I are going to go to work on Wednesday night and have dinner. XD Also, we both want to watch Night of the Lepus after I brought up how it's been on my brain. Giant killer bunnies. Come ON.
Two day week this week! *flail*