Weekends: The Days of Fate

Weekends are way too damn short. Two days. That's it. Have fun, kids! Oh, and don't forget all the work you have to do! *strangling motions*

Today I work my first Sunday since July 13th. That's right. Over six months, or 28 weeks, or 192 days. And of course, we've started Movie Sign since then. AND OF COURSE, tonight is when we're watching Manos the goshsparlnit Hands of effing Fate.

Thank God, coffee's ready.


Ah, that's better.

So yeah. Manos tonight. I have to work. Sundays we open an hour earlier and thusly close an hour early, so I'll be shipping out of here around 3. If - and this is a huge if - if I'm lucky, I'll make it back in time to catch most of the movie but having missed out on the short. If.

