For the first time in...hmm, maybe ever? I dunno. But because I got off work in time and didn't have to work yesterday [or today], I've got to go to all the Chat events this weekend. "Sheep in the Big Chat Room" has finished its run [I LOVE the last episode], but a bunch of us hung around and reminisced on ye olde days of cartoons. That means the '90s - you know, when 'toons weren't as scary as they were in the '80s or as creepy as they are today.
So I'd say keep an eye out at the Watercooler for some new event for Friday nights.
Last night was Anime Club, which was a good time. Miss Anonymous and I seem to be the only ones who were actually happy about Otani FINALLY kissing Koizumi. [Oh come on, does that really warrant a spoiler tag?] We were screaming at each other in whispers and on MSN excitedly. Now we have...six more episodes to go? Something like that? But yay, good times!
Aaaand tonight is Movie Sign, making my sweep of Chat events 3/3. We're watching The Brain That Wouldn't Die, which was also Mike's first episode as host. I've actually never made it through the whole episode [like many things, I get distracted], so it'll be a bit new to me. And stuff.
One thing I've noticed that the groups share in common - at least between AC and MS - was that we all want people to die. Yes. In Lovely Complex, we have The Trap that we all want dead [or at least kill their voice], and it doesn't matter which movie we're watching in MS, there's always some character we want to die. [Or the whole cast, like Rocketship XM and 12 to the Moon].
New Billy Mays commercial, guys. "Big City Slider Station". I think this is the first time he has genuinely made me wince for yelling so much...