I need a visual place to think...

I'm trying to think of my money situation. I need a place to, like, jot crap down...

I now control my bank account, so if I do need to dip in there, my parents won't freak out. I'm well-aware that May is probably going to be a hard and possibly painful money-month [well, in the grand scheme of things, it's not, but bear with me].

Whatever, I need to figure out my monies.

  • 4/4 and 4/5 = 5 hours @ $7.50/hour
  • 4/12 = 2 hours (projected) @ $7.50/hour

End of pay-period (I think)

Projected gross earnings: $52.50

  • 4/18 and 4/19 = 4 hours (projected) @ $7.50/hour
  • 4/25 and 4/26 = 13 hours (projected) @ $5.50/hour + tips

End of pay-period (me thinks)

Projected gross earnings: $101.50 + tips

Total gross for month (projected): $154 + tips

I want to win that contest...
