I hate when people say "Hoppy Easter". Drives me nuts.
I'm hyped up on chocolate right now, which is probably not the best state of mind to post in, but:
My brother Matt and his wife, Cara, are over right now. Ten minutes ago, we were lounging in the living room when Cara goes "I have a fa-vor to ask."
"May we borrow some of your MST3K boxsets?
Apparently, Cara has been a MSTie forever and she and Matt have been watching some shorts on YouTube. "But it's just not the same," she said, "And I know you have your collection..." [I replied to a comment about my status on Facebook that said I'd spend today in the basement, drawing and watching MST3K.]
My collection is eight boxsets and three single-packs strong, all of which I brought out to show them. Cara chose two [Volume 2, with Cave Dwellers, Pod People, Angels Revenge, and Shorts 1 and Volume 10.2, with Giant Gila Monster, Swamp Diamonds, Teenage Strangler, and Giant Spider Invasion] to borrow. And she was jealous of the signatures I had on my Essentials case. X3
So no, I'm not quoting yet, but knowing Matt, it'll soon come to that point.