In addition to the Puppetbenders, there are a three more guests coming to ACen that I want to meet. I say this every year - that is, I get excited about people coming - but the only person I ever actually met was Fred Gallagher. He drew Boo for me in my copy of the first MegaTokyo book. Yayz.
Ian McConville and Matt Boyd are coming. They're best known for the webcomic MacHall, but their current thing, Three Panel Soul, is the one I've read. The artwork is spectacular and is definitely unique. Ian draws stuff and has a couple of artbooks, and I really want one except...well yeah. I need to save my money - and hell, he'll probably have it at the con. But yeah, I need something for them to sign...
The third person is Tiffany Grant, and that's just 'cause she did Azumanga and that epic Chat event. I can shoot to see if she remembers me. XD
I have three countdowns going on my laptop:
I'm currently re-dying my labcoat so that I can wear it the Friday of ACen for the hell of it. Ryu and I get out of school at 2:30...I predict us on the highway by 3...get to the hotel around 4, which is our check-in time. Hang out with Schultzie and Kastom, eat dinner, have a good time wandering around...ah, fun.
The only thing between now and the con is an art show on May 1st and NHS induction on May 4th. Last year, everything - band concert, theater night, field trip - fell the week of ACen, which totally killed me in the waiting process. XD
Work tonight. I worked last night too (got called in) and will be working tomorrow night. If patterns repeat, I'll get off at 7, make it home around 7:20, and slip into Movie Sign before they've even started because it seems they can't start without me. :P (I kid, I love you guys.) The irony is that I've been pestering TC to do a season one episode forevar (he has a phobia of them), but I'm going to be late. XD;
This coming week is ACT testing for the juniors, so I have Wednesday and Thursday off, with Friday being a half day and Saturday prom (not going). Next Wednesday is also 'gome's birthday, as well as Earth Day. I'm probably going to go to school to work on my AP portfolio, and I want to get a group together to do something on Thursday (our senior buddies went to the zoo last year).
OH! Successfully mailed my portfolio for the NIU scholarship yesterday. Tracking number says it got there, but since the School of Art isn't open on weekends, it'll be picked up Monday...huuuuuuu. Wish me luck.