Hey there!! Just updating again to apease the couple of fans I do have. So, I have a tablet..AND I LOVES IT!!! It is so much fun!! I used it and made this pic:
[Click to View] and It is awesome!!! <3 My Deviantart page has inspired me to draw more and not give up on my art!!! Because I know that I'm a good artist. I have friends that support my art and to me that's a great gift!!! Anyways..NEWS!!! News? We have news!? OMG!! WE DO!!! Kodomu Anime Ekaki Ai Society will be opening soon!!!! And for you people who haven't the slightest Clue what it is, It's an anime artist club for underloved artists. I was going to stop drawing because I thought my artworks sucked by I relized that I am worth being called an artist. How dear I give up on drawing that everyone loves what I do. So from that, I created this club/society. I haven't made it yet but It will be up!!! SOON!! If you or someone you know feels like your/their art is not getting enough love from people then JOIN!!!! Once it's up and running I will tell people about it!!!! But, You must have a Deviantart to be able to join!!! Yay!!! So with that being said...Stay tuned for the next update girls and guys!!!!