Mental Breakdown

On a more serious note, Im going to talk about popularity. Note, these things are MY OPINION, AND I WONT GIVE A FLYING CRAP IF YOU FLAME ME. I will just block you if I deem your comments unneccesary.

I personally feel some of the artists on TheOtaku are more popular than they are good artists, and that they get too much credit for it. If you subscribe to me, I want it to be because you like my art, not because I am popular. It frustrates me because I work my @$$ off trying to give you guys a good picture. I am not saying those people dont put time into their drawings, I am saying that I dont think it is fair that I work just as hard, and I am not really getting anywhere up on the charts of the 'Top 100 Members list' and they are like #15. And just so you know, I dont have anything on whoever is number 15, it is just the first reasonable number that popped into my head. The people I subscribe to ahve some sort of value to me, and that is why I subscribed to them, not because they are "Popular".

And If you write Fan Words, or have a daily journal, and dont really update your art...Then I am not directing this wild rampage to release anger at you. ~ Fuu-Chan

P.S. I want to thank those of you who read THE WHOLE THING, and not just some of it.
