5 Dollar Foot Long

This random kid came up to me at school and said "Give me 5 dollars and I'll let you see my foot long." Now I'm no whore but just to mess with the boy I pushed him up against the locker and said "Meet me on the quad after school and I'll give you something better." Who knows if he showed up. I didn't drag my ass over there too see. Ah boys, so fun to mess with.

Now girls are a different story. When I see a hot girl I get hella nervous. 'Tis awkward to the max. Especially if she's smart and nice on top of the hot. Girls who are hot and mean/retarded/slutty don't exist to me. Oh, did I mention that I was bi? Well I am for those who I didn't tell and those who did not read my short and uninforming intro.

"There's always that one person who will always have your heart"
