BOOM! Goes the dynamite!

Wowzers! I must say it's freezing titties here in my house. :D

Speaking of boobies...Yesterday at school was like "Boobie Day." A lot of well endowed females were just showing lots of cleavage. And because I love females I couldn't help but look....

ANYWAYS! You could all ignore that part.

My back hurts. Why? Here's the story:

My father was sitting on the couch lazily watching tv with his can of beer next to him. I snuck behind him and wrapped my arm around his neck and was yelling "What now?! Huh punk?! Say something!" Then he pinched my arm and I moved it and said "Ow!" *tear* Then he stood up and I jumped on his back and he slammed me on the couch ONTO his can of beer. :D

It hurt really bad and now I have a circular bruise on my back. Its all purplely and I can't like bend. Boom went the dynamite on my back. The best is that while I'm writhing on the floor in pain. My father looks at me and says "....Walk it off..." I thought it was funny.
