
You guys should see the bruise I have on my back. Boy is it something. Its all different colors. Like psychadelic mind trip crazy colored. And it hurts like a bitch to bend. twist. anything. Weird thing is I bend and twist on purpose cause it hurts but feels good. Insane right? I'm like a masochist.

In other news. I'm not feeling so hot. Emotionally speaking. And I don't know why. I just feel sad-ish. Eh...

What I am going to be happy about is that in 5 days I'm going to Canada. Woo! Canada! My dads unsure if were going to be gone for two or one week. Either way I'm excited.

I miss my wife. Hi wife. :D

EDIT: AHAHAHAHAHA!!! On the news Son of a Bush a.k.a. George W. Bush was giving a speech in Iraq and this guys gets up and starts throwing his shoes at him! XD Son of a Bush dodged both shoes though. The guy should've thrown bullets instead....Hilarious!
