
i read this article yesterday. to me it was pretty interesting. i have to admit, even i didn't know all that was on there, but i would have only missed no more than 4. this is where ya can find de article:
how well would you do?

i've been pretty darn lazy bout the workin out thing. i know i should do it. it will even help when Aunt Flo visits. so why won't i get on with the program?!? i already sed it: cuz i'm lazy. that's y i need to start doin exercise. but i don't get around to it because . . . well, u get the point. Today, I will. maybe

i've got quite a collection of jokes, but i'll save a couple for next time. meanwhile, here's these:

Brian was dating Lorraine and they were very close. While they were dating he met another woman named Clearly and wanted to start dating her but felt that he should be faithful to Lorraine. So he continued to date Lorraine. One day Brian took Lorraine on a walk in the woods by the river. As they were walking near the river Lorraine fell in and was washed away. Brian softly sang, "I can see Clearly now, Lorraine has gone..."

A brilliant young boy was applying for a job with the railways. The interviewer asked him: "Do you know how to use the equipment?" "Yes", the boy replied. "Then what would you do if you realized that 2 trains, one from this station and one from the next were going to crash because they were on the same track?" The young applicant thought and replied "I'd press the button to change the points without hesitation." "What if the button was frozen and wouldn't work?" "I'd run outside and pull the lever to change the points manually" "And if the lever was broken?" "I'd get on the phone to the next station and tell them to change the points," he replied. "And if the phone was broken and needed an electrician to fix it?" The boy thought about that one. "I'd run into town and get my uncle" "Is your uncle an electrician?" "No, but he's never seen a train crash before!"

Little Johnny was at football practice one day and the coach said "Who here thinks they can jump higher than the goal posts?"
Immediately little Johnny said, "Ooh me sir me!"
The coach then said, "But Johnny you are the worst in the team!"
Then Johnny said, "I know, but goalposts can’t jump!"
