This is just a world about Lunar's and my oc characters in the death note rp going on in a world held by Support KIRA

My oc's name is Dante Kazuma and he is the co-head of the new AKTF or anti kira task force along side his twin brother.

Lunar's oc's name is Auron Kazuma and he is also the co-head of the new AKTF.

Their profiles can be found below

Auron Kazuma

Name: Kazuma, Auron
Age: 26
DOB: September 25
Height: 6'1"
Sibling: One Twin Brother
Status: Single
Rank/Job: Co-Head of the New Anti-Kira Task Force

Appearance/Personality: Jet-Black hair, slightly on the long side. It's down a little past his shoulders and is usually worn in a ponytail. His bangs dangle a bit (they are also long). Green eyes, healthy, yet slightly light complexion. He is classified as "The Perfect Gentleman". He is VERY specific when it comes to etiquette. To a point where it's almost annoying at times. He won't hesitate to point out how disorderly or unsophisticated you truly are...and usually with sharp well-worded sentences you have trouble contradicting. He has a twin brother who he constantly covers for...since he tends to be reckless...but he doesn't simply cover him because they are BLOOD. It's because he knows just how smart his brother is, and only together do they work at their utmost potential. Plus, Auron can pretty much talk ANYONE into doing ANYTHING with his sweet words. As for cases...once he dives in he won't rest until it is solved. By ANY MEANS Necessary.

Special Talents: Persuasion, Calm and decisive assessments, A Martial-Arts Master--Has won the country title 3 times consecutively. His arrogance is often unmatched. XDD

Background: He entered the force as a low-level police officer but quickly realized such a low position was beneath him. He therefore quickly climbed the chain of command and became a Special Detective. Currently one of the world's Best Detectives. Compared to the likes of past legends L and Erhaldo Coil. His brother got into a spot of trouble and he took this chance to recruit him as his partner. He uses Prison as the alternative...but he honestly couldn't resist having his brother's keen mind at his disposal. For though he is impulsive...his logic is unmatched as he is the only mind that can rival Auron's own.

Other Info: In truth he'd like for KIRA to continue to offer him a challenge. Auron hates anything that is easily caught.

Kazuma, Dante - Profile

Name: Kazuma, Dante
Age: 26
DOB: September 25th, 1997
Siblings: One ( twin brother Auron Kazuma )
Status: Single
Rank: Co - Head of the new Anti-Kira Task Force

Appearence/Personality: Jet black hair & green eye's, pale complection & always sports his worn jean jacket when not at work. Dante is the complete opposite of his brother who is what society see's as "the perfect gentleman". He has a habit of speaking his mind and doesn't hesitate to let someone know they've crossed him. His general disreguard for doing things by the book has lead to his nearly loseing his job on a number of occasions only for his brother to reason with the department to let him keep it. Despite all that when he get's into a case he never loses sight of the task at hand and sees things through to the end though he does get his fair share of complaints in during the entire investigation.

Special Talents: Breaking the rules, fixing up motorcycles, master on the drums

Background History: Dante is the twin brother of Auron Kazuma. Very little is knonw of him mainly because prior to becoming a cop he had some trouble with the law and was forced by his brother to join the force or go to prison. Dante still seems holds a grudge against his brother for this but inside he is thankful to be on the other side of the cuffs for once.

Other Information: Dante took a real interst in the first Kira and is delighted when his brother tells him the news of this new Kira, jumping at the chance to test his limits against the power of Kira. Dante continually try's to beat Auron in fights but lacks the same skill his brother has and usually ends up loseing in the end.

p.s. You can see what Dante and Auron look like by going to The Bone Snatcher's portfolio she drew a picture of them for me and Lunar
