Class Shirt Design


Goddamn it was hard to find the ~ on the Japanese keyboard. Turns out it's Shift =.


Bleh. So, my latest submission:

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Senior class shirt design! Aren't you proud of me for actually caring about class spirit?

Larger pics...

The Front:
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The Back:
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I didn't have the list of everybody's names in my class, so I came up with a genius placeholder. In't it just so clever? :D


Tools used: paper, pencil, NO SCANNER THIS TIME OMG, PS7, Google Images

Fonts used: dear Joe 4, Neuropol, ISOCPEUR, and BankGothic Md BT. All courtesy of

Time taken: two afternoons, probably around six hours consolidated. Why'd it tkae so long? Weeeelll....

[STORY] I got the heads-up that the design contest(?) was open two days before the deadline (stupid S***q* if you know me you'd know this person immediately, if only by his incompetency), so I was literally drawing eagles during a project meeting. Luckily my friends wanted a kickass shirt as well, and did not object. So eventually I realized what I was doing was sketching, not designing, and that ate up an hour. It took me about ten minutes to get an a actual design idea in place.

So then I spent and hour searching for good references on the interwebs. It took about half an hour to do all the vectoring, another hour to try and get the design just right...and that's where I got stuck. Somewhere along the way, my one vague design had become three...

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...and I was at a loss (not a complete loss though, I knew which one I like best) at which one was better. So I polled a couple of people, and while the mass majority agreed with me that the middle one looked best, there were a few who argued they like the left one the best. I was confuzzled because that was the one I liked the least.

So then followed two hours of debating to myself what to do, before I gave up and just went with the one I liked.

That was all the frontside, btw.

The backside took me an hour to decide what saying to put on it (I was debating 'Watch us fly,' but that didn't look/sound as good) and about half an hour to actually make it. The wings were courtesy of Google Images and, recolored and transformed. I could never do that myself.

So yeah. 6 hours total, give or take an exaggeration or two. [/STORY]


Preview of WIP...

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Just gotta add shading and figure out how to make the bg not suck...should have it done by the end of this week.

And wow there's a story behind this'll probably get the very, very brief version when I upload.


lol my WORLD ranking hasn't changed for what, 7 months now? Also, bye bye to one of my subscribers...thought I was dead and unsubscribed I guess.


til next time~ summer vacation does not feel like summer vacation...stupid colleges. Why do we need to jump through so many hoops just to go to school? The American education system is messed up.


Quote of the day - I tried to commit suicide by sticking my head in the oven, but there was a cake in it.


Shameless plugging:

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Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
