Death Note

For this post, I'll be introducing TWO wallpapers. Why? You'll see.

Here's my latest:

External Image

And here's one I did over a year ago, before Version Vibrant.

External Image

See why now?


Tools used: Photoshop 7.0


The L wall was my first time I used downloaded brushes. Yep. 19th wallpaper uploaded to theO, first time using non-preset brushes. Go on and look though my portfolio if you don't believe me. In fact, I had no idea what brushes could do (outside of MS Paint abilities) before that day. Much thanks to Ryuuko-senpai for enlightening me. Although I have to say, I've never once gotten a front page since then. Hmmm....

So after I finished the L wallpaper over a year ago, I thought to myself, I should so do a Kira version of it! And, well, you should know the procrastination story by now.

As far as I can tell, the Kira wall is every bit as creepy as the L wall is awesome. Mission accomplished.


til next time~ Kira = Robespierre.


Quote of the Day - God Kira, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I had to kill because they annoyed me.
