Hey everyboddy!! Hehe Welcome to my world its pretty much about me :)
Favorite color:BLUE
Eye color: Blue
Height 5'1
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Favorite Music Artists
The Killers
Lady Gaga (Shes a freak but you have to love her!)
Goo Goo Dolls
Dave Matthews Band
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
3 Days Grace
Breaking Benjamin
Describing myself personality wise is tough....lets just say Im one of a kind.
My Real name btw is Kelsey (: Kc is an old nickname and Inoue is from bleach :)
RP worlds I'm active in:
Poke Gijinka Revolution
Oh im so happyyy!!! ^^ I got a 4 day break for school!!! XD Heehee Im so excited but i dont really know what i want to do during the break, im definatley sleeping in...XD Oh and i might go see the Lightning Theif tomorrow! (: MY LORD THAT KID WHO PLAYS PERCY IS FIIIIIIIIINE! I was like daaayummm when i first saw him, my mom was like jeez that kids hot, too bad he has a gay name. I was like MOMMIEE shusshhh up!! DX My moms an odd ball haha. Like the other day she bought the new Adam Lambert CD, I was too stunned to comment. But His songs are actuallly AMAZING XD I have like 3 of them stuck in my head as we speak, er type haha. Oh have you guys read the new bleach chapter yet? I just want Aizen to die already. or somethinggg. The valentine picture Mr. Kubo did was sooooooooooooooooooooo fine especially Grimmjow and ichigo ^^, im sure he did it for all the loyal fan girls like moi, hehee It was for the best battles in the series, my favorite was Grimmy vs. Ichiberry, which did quite well (I wont tell you how well youll have to check it out urselves >=)) muwhehehheheee. <---Evil laugh fail. XD I try so hard but i cant seem to do an evil laugh, i need help with that. oh Well (: Well thats enough from me =DD
Ciao 4 now~!~
Bad News everyone .. Im sick. :{ I think its just a really bad cold..so i should get over quick hopefully, but yea my tummy feels like sh-t and my head hurts like hell plus i have the sniffles T_T Hopefully ill still be able to have my valentines party this friday..oh well i guess ill hope for the best ^^
Ciao 4 now.
Im going to a Hockey game tonight!! Im super excited, its my first time going to a hockey game!!! I hope theres some violence hehehe >=D Just kidddingg but seriously if youve seens a hockey game, its pretty brutal!! Somehow the players can get away with pretty much anything..which makes is entertaining XD
Im in a lot better mood today then yesterday ^^ I almost have my huge science project done which is a good feeling! And for lunch my family went to my favorite restaurant!! OLIVE GARDEN IS BEAST.
Hopefully the game is funnn!! Wellll I gotta go get ready (: Byee everyone!!
Ciao 4 now~!
Uhghh my throat is killing me DX Luckily i dont have to talk to type hehehe..
Okay so today honestly kinda sucked. IT WAS SO BORING. and I was so tired i didnt really pay attention at any of my classes..Oopsy (:...And I have a Sh-t load of homework that I should get a start on..Later..XD I have 2 big projects to I really need to work on Its really stressing me out!!!! DX
Ill get through though.
Bleh I need a hug.
Ciao 4 now.
My lord im tired....This week has been very stressful...I really need a break DX *rubs head* ugh It seems like ive had a headache for 3 straight days..Hopefully im not catching anything...Im just glad tomorrows friday..I need a weekend bad. *yawns* Ohh atleast i have the super bowl to look foreward too...Whose gunna win it guys?? I wanna know :D . Anywho yea My brain hurts. Imma done with the post :P
Ciao 4-
*falls to ground and sleeps*