Why do all these things need titles?

Well my sister and i were playing my new bleach game for the wii, again, XD and we were vsing each and doing fights we thought would be cool. So i was Grimmjow, and She was ulquiorra, I got my Ass kicked >.<.....DAMN :( You need to step it up grimmjow!! haha just kidding she was being cheap. but i totally wiped the floor with her when i was orihime and she was rukia! Surprising huh? XD so i guess you could call that revenge for the ulqui-beat down i recieved. OH my lordy thats a fun game. Anywhos i really dont want school to start again, especially about what happened to me today! one of the weird kids at my school asked me out today...ON FACEBOOK. who does that?! anywho it was really awkward cuz sure we talked sometimes, but barely never Plus the jerk is a total womanizer! I just told him i liked him as a friend , (even though i didnt like him at all hehe thats kinda an mean thing to say >.>) >.< I hate awkward moments cuz now after that gym class is gunna be weird cuz hes in the same one as mine. ugh soooo sttupiiddd.
