The Holidays =)

Hey guys XD I've been so fried... Not baked, don't get the two confused XD;; But Christmas was pretty cool =3

I got more than I expected X3 I got what I had really wanted, which was a dulcimer =3 It's tuned to DAD and ready to go X3 I also got a PSP! =D And three games for it X3 Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, Dissidia Final Fantasy, and (the one I reeeeally wanted) Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep =DD I didn't get any memory for it XD;; so I ordered some and I can't save any games until it comes X3; It doesn't make any sense to get memory from the stores cuz they're so darn expensive! D=< I was gonna get it from game stop, but it was close to $60 bucks for an 8 GB memory stick! D=<< I got 16GB worth of memory for almost a 3rd of that online XD

Anywho, I also got some new sweat suits (comfy~) and underthings X3 and a homemade scarf from my mom as well as one of the jewelry sets grandma left behind. Grandma made A LOT of jewelry while she was alive and she was pretty talented =3

Umm... lessee... Oh yeah, I got Mario Kart Wii =3 and it came with a Wii Wheel X3 I can't drive straight to save my life, but it's still fun X3

My older brother got me this awesome-looking game called "Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis." X3 I can't wait to play~! He also got me DDR Supernova 2 =3 But the third game he got was a duplicate of what my other bros got me XD; (Dissidia) so he took that one back =;u;= I have no idea what he'd exchange it for, but I'm just glad to get anything =3 Oh yaah... I also got some Andes candies~ X3 Because I was going all bonkers over the Palmer's Mint Favors (which I have to say, I like better), I got the Andes~ which are also teh tasteh~<3 But if I can figure out where to get the Palmer's MFs (lol) X3 then I would go get 3 boxes X3 They're just THAT good! X3

So...! I'mma finish straightening my room so everything can be happeh and organized then practice on Dulsha (my dulcimer's name X3), maybe tinker around with Geo (my PSP X3), and pop that Mana Khemia into Peztu (PS2 XDD) and go to town! X333 *dances in a circle* Ja na~! =D *waves*
