Things are...

... kinda slow around here, aren't they...? =._.;= Well, I guess since I haven't been doing much fanart, that's to be expected. I've been sapped, ppl =P *shakes head* Even right now... I think I was gonna take a nap, but then I didn't and I forgot that I didn't and I'm wondering why I feel tired XD At least I got Raine's part up on PGR X3

On the bright side, I'd typed up my general plotline for my senior project so I can work on the storyboards =3 Once those are done, or while I go through them, I could put together a script so I can sync up where the action goes with parts in the song. Then it's a matter of actually animating it X3

My uncle and his helper (who I think is also family) are making a lot of hammering noises downstairs right now =>_>;= They're retiling the shower XD;; When I went down and saw all those tiles in the tub, I was like "yikes..." XD;;

Well, I think I shall get a little rest and then get to those storyboards. Ja mata ne, minna-san!
