Six Flags!

I'm going to Six Flags tomorrow with my brothers and aunts and cousins and other ppl XD I wanted to invite a friend, but he had to work. Boo~ It's been YEARS since I've been to any amusement park! =oAo;= So I'm somewhat nervous... I don't even feel mentally prepared... *sigh* Why is it so hard nowadays to have fun? When I was a kid, if someone said "Hey, we're going to ____!" you would jump and down and be excited about it XD

Well, I know once I get into the swing of things, I'll have fun =3 Now my chance to get more roller coaster experience! X3 Best places to start are the Wizzer (or is it Wizard?) and the American Eagle =3 Good, simple, classic roller coasters and good starters X3 However... it's things like the Raging Bull and the Batman and the Superman that have me worried... =o_o;= I mean, I may have ridden 3 roller coasters, but two of them were practically baby rides (not really for babies, but not entirely huuuge likes those aforementioned coasters). The third was fast (The Rockin' Roller Coaster at Disney World), but it was indoors, so it was dark and I couldn't see where we were going. I do remember going through a corkscrew, though X3 Corkscrews... are sexy =eue= Lol XD *is hit* But I'm gonna do my best~! >=3 Another thing is, the waterpark, which I'm looking forward, yet at the same time, slightly worried about. I love water rides and I'm looking at this as an opportunity to wear my new bikini, but, it's one of those that ties, so if the knot were to come aloose... =>_>;= Well, wardrobe malfunction =eve;= Also, I wonder how someone like me looks in a bikini... without a guy friend along to focus on, I'd feel more insecure about it... =._.;= Or maybe I'd still feel insecure, but it's a focused insecurity XD lolz Gah, I'm nervous/excited! XD; There's also the matter of making sure my purse stays in a safe place while I'm on the rides... I'm not losing another hat XD In my case, it's a figure of speech alluding to the time I wore my mom's hat on a roller coaster and I thought it was secure, but it flew off... =>u>;= Haha...

On a separate note, two of my friends got married earlier today! =D I wasn't actually invited to the wedding (as far as I know), but I'd been hearing about it for a while, now and I gues today was the day. I'm getting all emotional seeing picture of the two of them together... =;_;= It's so... beautiful! =;A;/=

Well, I'm gonna try to get a good night's sleep... Gotta be up at 5:30 am to get ready XD; Ja ne~ =3
